Burdie Short Animation

Here is Burdie, a funny little cartoon about a bird that is too chubby to fly. This animated short film was created by a young talented animator from the United States Justina Hnatowicz and features my original soundtrack.

It was a really smooth process scoring this animation and we have found the soundtrack style very quickly: fun, catchy and with a bit of a retro touch. I did some post audio editing and mixing, but most sound design was recorded by Justina herself.

Animation La Detente – Transatlantyk 2017 Winner

And here is the brilliant animation film ‘La Détente’. It was a pure pleasure writing music for such a masterful and emotionally powerful work of art. This orchestral soundtrack brought me the I Prize and the title of the Young Composer 2017 at the Transatlantyk Film Music Competition.

Short animation film ‘La Détente’.
Directors: Pierre Ducos and Betrand Bey
The film was provided for the competition without its original soundtrack.
Official website of the film where you can also watch the original: ladetentelefilm.com

Short Film Lichen – Transatlantyk 2017 Winner

Here is the short romantic film Lichen that I have rescored for the Transatlantyk Film Music Competition 2017. This entry along with another animation soundtrack have brought me the I prize at this prestigious international competition for young composers in Lodz, Poland.

Short film ‘Lichen’.
Writer / Director: Kevin Lim (Soda Honey Films)
The film was provided for the competition without its original soundtrack. See the original here.

Tamah Rescored for a Symphonic Orchestra

This is my International Film Music Competition 2017 entry, a short film ‘Tamah’ rescored. This soundtrack is for a full symphonic orchestra (plus a bass gutar), including complete printed music (partitura). The music ended up being a twisted mix of academical, cartoonish and pompous absurdity. Oh, and sexy saxophone.

Zurich Film Festival
International Film Music Competition 2017
Film Director: Erhan Yürük
Original music was by Jeremy Dirat, here replaced with my own score.
You can see the original short film here: https://vimeo.com/150525269